Board Game Designs
Clockwork Rex - A steampunk dinosaur themed abstract board game. It was a lot of fun to work on, but it never quite worked right as a game.

Clockwork Rex - A steampunk dinosaur themed abstract board game. It was a lot of fun to work on, but it never quite worked right as a game.

The Dark (working title) - A tile based, card driven board game based on the idea of a escaping from a monster horde. I'd still love to finish this some day, it was actually fun despite being a bit rough around the edges.

The Dark (working title) - A tile based, card driven board game based on the idea of a escaping from a monster horde. I'd still love to finish this some day, it was actually fun despite being a bit rough around the edges.

Board Game Designs

One of my favorite classes in school involved designing board games. Both of these games were designed with my friend Michelle (

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